1853 Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide: As Featured in the TV Series Great Continental Railwa

1853 Bradshaw's Continental Railway Guide: As Featured in the TV Series Great Continental Railwa

Matematika Ibu memanen cabai sebanyak 40 kg dan toma sebanyak 56 kg. Perbandingan banyak cabai dan tomat yang dipanen oleh ibu adalah ....

A. 5:7
B. 7:5
C. 6:5
D. 5:6​

Ibu memanen cabai sebanyak 40 kg dan toma sebanyak 56 kg. Perbandingan banyak cabai dan tomat yang dipanen oleh ibu adalah ....

A. 5:7
B. 7:5
C. 6:5
D. 5:6​

[tex] \mathbb \color{aqua} \underbrace{JAWABAN}[/tex]

A. 5 : 7


[tex] \mathbb \color{orange} \underbrace{PENYELESAIAN}[/tex]

[tex]\textsf{cabai : tomat} \\ \textsf{40 : 56} ~\\ \sf(40 \div 8) : (56 \div 8) ~\\ \textsf{ \textbf{{5 : 7}}}~~[/tex]


[tex] \mathbb \color{red} \underbrace{KESIMPULAN}[/tex]

Jadi, perbandingan banyak cabai dan tomat yang dipanen oleh ibu adalah 5 : 7

[tex] \colorbox{ff0000}{} \colorbox{ff4000}{}\colorbox{ff8000}{}\colorbox{ffc000}{}\colorbox{ffff00}{}\colorbox{c0ff00}{}\colorbox{80ff00}{}\colorbox{40ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff00}{}\colorbox{00ff40}{}\colorbox{00ff80}{}\colorbox{00ffc0}{}\colorbox{00ffff}{}\colorbox{00c0ff}{}\colorbox{0080ff}{}\colorbox{0040ff}{}\colorbox{0000ff}{}\colorbox{4000ff}{}\colorbox{8000ff}{}\colorbox{c000ff}{}\colorbox{ff00ff}{}\colorbox{ff00c0}{}\colorbox{ff00a0}{}\colorbox{ff0080}{}\colorbox{ff0040}{} [/tex]

بِسْـــمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَــنِ الرَّحِيْمِ


[tex] \tt \frac{tomat}{cabai} = \frac {40 \tiny \div 8}{56 \tiny \div 8} = \frac{5}{7} \\ [/tex]


وَاللَّهُ عَالَمُ بِاالصَّوَافَ
